Late Work and Reassessment Policy and Procedures
In American Experience, Dig Deeper Sheets and daily assignments are formative assessments designed to show the patterns in your work, to have you practice your skills and for your teachers to give you feedback to improve your skills. Each of these assignments has one due date. You cannot turn them in late or re-do them if you if you are not happy with your score.
Projects and Essays (Benchmark assessments) are more formal applications of your skills. Theses assessments are longer, and larger. For each of them, you will have time in class and out of class to complete them to the best of your ability.
If you need to turn a Benchmark assessment in late, you must talk to Ms. Ringelspaugh or Mr. Palmer before the due date to make an individual plan for you based on your circumstances and needs. Please be aware that Mr. Palmer and Ms. Ringelspaugh reserve the right to deny your request for an extension or require that you do other practice or come to ELT to receive individual coaching in order to receive your extension.
If you get a Benchmark assessment back with feedback from your teachers and are not happy with your score, then you may also reassess to improve your grade. Complete extra or different formative assessments to improve your learning according to a plan set up with the teachers before completing your reassessment sheet. You have one week from the date you received your assessment back to complete the formative work, revise your assessment, and turn it back in to your teachers.
The Summative Assessments, your end-of-year final project and final exam, are designed to show the culmination of your skills. The project has a solid due date, near the last day of school, and the test has a solid test date, on the last days of school. Nope, we're not taking them late either.
Projects and Essays (Benchmark assessments) are more formal applications of your skills. Theses assessments are longer, and larger. For each of them, you will have time in class and out of class to complete them to the best of your ability.
If you need to turn a Benchmark assessment in late, you must talk to Ms. Ringelspaugh or Mr. Palmer before the due date to make an individual plan for you based on your circumstances and needs. Please be aware that Mr. Palmer and Ms. Ringelspaugh reserve the right to deny your request for an extension or require that you do other practice or come to ELT to receive individual coaching in order to receive your extension.
If you get a Benchmark assessment back with feedback from your teachers and are not happy with your score, then you may also reassess to improve your grade. Complete extra or different formative assessments to improve your learning according to a plan set up with the teachers before completing your reassessment sheet. You have one week from the date you received your assessment back to complete the formative work, revise your assessment, and turn it back in to your teachers.
The Summative Assessments, your end-of-year final project and final exam, are designed to show the culmination of your skills. The project has a solid due date, near the last day of school, and the test has a solid test date, on the last days of school. Nope, we're not taking them late either.
One more time, to clarify on the Late Work Thing:
If you want to turn in work late, you need to have a conversation with Mr. Palmer or Ms. Ringelspaugh.
Let's look at late work in more detail:
We know American Experience sets a rigorous pace and workload; that's actually part of our goal, to prepare you for college and career pace and workload. We layer subjects, learning goals, projects, and papers to get you ready for life after high school, a life that we can pretty much guarantee won't take one thing at a time.
You know all your due dates ahead of time. We discuss major due dates and check in due dates in class, on the Facebook page, and on the class calendar on the website.
On major, benchmark assessments, you have multiple days, often over a week, to work on the assessment. Ms. Ringelspaugh and Mr. Palmer have asked to see your drafts of this work many times before the due date. Your performance on that assessment shows your still and knowledge level.
Therefore, we expect that you turn assignments in on time. On the due date.
In order to earn reassessment, you must have turned your work in on the due dated. You may not "reassess" work that you have not previously turned in.
If you have life crisis that got in your way or are really frustrated and struggling with the academic expectations, please come talk to Mr. Palmer or Ms. Ringelspaugh before the due date. Keep us in the loop throughout the entire process. Mr. Palmer and Ms. Ringelspaugh want to have a conversation with you about your situation, your struggles, and your performance. We are nice people and want to help you learn, promise. We can work out an extended deadline then.
If you do not have a conversation with Mr. Palmer or Ms. Ringelspaugh before the due date and you don't turn in your benchmark assessment on the due date, you have forfeited your right to turn in your work. Mr. Palmer and Ms. Ringelspaugh will not take your work after that.
Let's look at late work in more detail:
We know American Experience sets a rigorous pace and workload; that's actually part of our goal, to prepare you for college and career pace and workload. We layer subjects, learning goals, projects, and papers to get you ready for life after high school, a life that we can pretty much guarantee won't take one thing at a time.
You know all your due dates ahead of time. We discuss major due dates and check in due dates in class, on the Facebook page, and on the class calendar on the website.
On major, benchmark assessments, you have multiple days, often over a week, to work on the assessment. Ms. Ringelspaugh and Mr. Palmer have asked to see your drafts of this work many times before the due date. Your performance on that assessment shows your still and knowledge level.
Therefore, we expect that you turn assignments in on time. On the due date.
In order to earn reassessment, you must have turned your work in on the due dated. You may not "reassess" work that you have not previously turned in.
If you have life crisis that got in your way or are really frustrated and struggling with the academic expectations, please come talk to Mr. Palmer or Ms. Ringelspaugh before the due date. Keep us in the loop throughout the entire process. Mr. Palmer and Ms. Ringelspaugh want to have a conversation with you about your situation, your struggles, and your performance. We are nice people and want to help you learn, promise. We can work out an extended deadline then.
If you do not have a conversation with Mr. Palmer or Ms. Ringelspaugh before the due date and you don't turn in your benchmark assessment on the due date, you have forfeited your right to turn in your work. Mr. Palmer and Ms. Ringelspaugh will not take your work after that.