Our Shared American Experience Google Docs FolderWe want you to be able to access your work wherever you are. Therefore, we've created a shared Google Docs Folder that houses blank copies of important class documents.
For example, if you forgot a grammar worksheet at school, need to look up your current vocabulary list, or need to find another Dig Deeper sheet, you can print copies from the Google Folder. Please check here for copies of handouts before asking Ms. Ringelspaugh and Mr. Palmer to print you another copy. Everyone in American Experience, both sections, can access the Google Folder. Parents, if you would like access to the Google Folder, please just e-mail Ms. Ringelspaugh at [email protected] with you Google usernames. Please do not save your own class work in the shared American Experience Google Docs folder. Since everyone can see the documents in this folder, this is not the appropriate place to save your work. Please do save your class work in your personal American Experience folder and share your work with Mr. Palmer and Ms. Ringelspaugh. |