MLA Formatting: Works Cited PagesWhen formatting your Works Cited Page, please use MLA formatting. MLA formatting asks that you:
--double space everything, even the works cited page --begin your Works Cited page on a separate page after the last page of your paper --carry your header with your name a page number onto the Works Cited page --center "Works Cited" at the top of the page, but do not bold it, increase it's size, or underline it --arrange your citations in alphabetical order by whatever comes first in the citation, usually the author's last name. If there is no author, then by the first word of the title, excluding article "a," "an," or "the" --arrange works cited entries with a hanging indent - see below for a picture --for each source cited in an in-text citation, make sure you list it on your Works Cited page; for every entry on your Works Cited page, make sure you have an in-text citation that mentions that source |
Other pages in this series: |
So, overall, your works cited should look like this:
To have help creating your Works Cited page entries, go to
Or, download electronic copies of the source sheets here:
For more information, view this video from Purdue On-line Writing Lab: