Of Mice and Men |
Learning Goals:
Listen to Ms. Ringelspaugh read the full text of Of Mice and Men out loud:Remember to read along with the audio. Your long-term complex-text reading skills don't improve unless you read along. Eyes on the page.
Or, download the MP3 files of Ms. Ringelspaugh reading the full text of Of Mice and Men out loud:Remember to read along with the audio. Your long-term complex-text reading skills don't improve unless you read along. Eyes on the page.
Chapter 1 (pages 1-16): What is Lennie and George's relationship like? Do you believe that they're the best buds the story claims?
Chapter 2 (pg 17-37): What is the Point of View of the story? How does that influence what the reader knows or understands?
Chapter 3 Part 1 (pages 38-53): What's up with the dog, anyway? Why focus so much time on it?
Chapter 3 Part 2 (page 53-65): How does Lennie and George's dream influence how they act? Do you believe they'll get their dream? What in the mood or tone of the story makes you think so?
Chapter 4 (pages 66-83): What is Steinbeck's comment on race?
Chapter 5 (pages 84-98): Watch the symbols!
Chapter 6 (pages 99-107): What is Steinbeck's comment on the 1930s?
Essay Question: Watch at least two movie versions of Of Mice and Men. Which movie version best portrays the themes of the novel? Why? Why is the other movie(s) not as effective?
--Take evidence from both movies and the novel
--15 to 18 pieces of evidence minimum
--Use sequencing very purposefully to lead your reader through your argument and your text
--15 to 18 pieces of evidence minimum
--Use sequencing very purposefully to lead your reader through your argument and your text