Our Town
Learning Goals:
Act 1: How does the stage manager control what the reader/watcher sees or understands? Why? What does he want to show off? What does he want to hide?
Act 2: What's changed since Act 1? What's stayed the same? What "repeats" of things that happened once already happening again (literally, symbolically, metaphorically, allusion-ally)? What is Wilder trying to communicate to the audience through these repetitions?
Note: The traditional hymn, "Blessed be the tie that binds," appears in all three acts of the play. (Hint: Wilder's using it symbolically!) Here are two versions of the song. Listen to the lyrics carefully.
Act 3: What is Wilder's comment on the social change of the early 20th Century?
Essay Question: Watch at least two movie versions of Our Town. Which movie version best portrays the themes of the novel? Why? Why is the other movie(s) not as effective?
--Take evidence from both movies and the novel
--15 to 18 pieces of evidence minimum
--Use a effective, inherent logical structure
--15 to 18 pieces of evidence minimum
--Use a effective, inherent logical structure